Samara (Samara Guberniya) zemstvo stamps.
Post stamps
Stamps issued: 1.
The postage stamp was issued in 1908-1913 (few printing orders) by Saint-Petersburg’s the Expedition of Storing State Papers (Экспедиция заготовления государственных бумаг or ЭЗГБ). Ardatov type design. The total print run was 3488 sheets containing 87200 stamps (5×5 sheets).

Schmidt | Value | Year | Description | Value, mint/used |
1 | 3 kop. | 1871 | Typo, 13 1/4 perf., green on white paper, white glue, small and large perf. holes | 25/30 |
Sheets or largest known blocks
Full sheets – 5×5.
Zemstvo postmarks
Unreadable violet postmark.